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The past decade the business world has been changing it’s way when it comes to communication and social environment.
Businesses in Sustainability are companies changing their way for a healthy better environment and better policies then before. It addresses three main factors of the company’s financial, social and environmental risk. This helps business owners have a platform to understand what is best and worst for their business.
Social media has help improve business growth when getting target audience attention. Companies use the media to connect with their audience in a personal matter to try to get the customers perspective and ideas to help create a better business. The social media impacts a big crowd and getting to hear many opinion and views when it comes to advertising a business online. Working with a social media platform helps try to create a Sustainability environment for all business.
How Social Media Impacts Sustainability
Forbes Magazine explains that social media will help bring the truth out about a business and how they are working to work with their target audience. Usually business can have a huge downfall when trying to reach a certain target audience to be apart of their company or don’t know how to start using the right communication tool to reach a broader group. “Thirty-four percent of consumers use social media to share positive information about companies and issues, while 29% are using social media to learn more about specific organizations and issues (Nielsen. “Nielsen Global Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility).”
Challenges of Sustainability in Social Media
Every company or business will face many challenges when trying to become sustainable on social, the public eye and other outlets. The challenges they face can turn for the good or the bad. This will help improve leadership skills and more knowledge on the social media platform. These are the real core values that every business owners face when trying to create a sustainable working places.
Beza Daniel / Intermedia / Media Ethics
1Cone Communications. "2014 Cone Communications Food Issues Trend Tracker." 2014. Accessed February 8, 2016.
2Nielsen. “Nielsen Global Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility.” 2014. Accessed February 8, 2016.
3Cone Communications. “2015 Cone Communications/Ebiquity Global CSR Study." 2015. Accessed February 8, 2016.