
Inhalt getaggt mit Erwerb (Seite 2)

Thank You For Smoking (2005) Review

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Thank You For Smoking is 2005 satire/comedy from Director Jason Reitman starring Aaron Eckhart as Nick Naylor, the top Lobbyist of the Tobacco-Industry. It starts with a American talk show where Robin, a 15 year old cancer patient, is brought in as an example of how dangerous cigarettes can be. On the one side we have the President Of Mothers Against Teen Smoking, The Chairwoman of the Lung Association and a Top Aide from Health and Human Services, on the other side however, sits Nick Naylor.


Unique business concepts

Particular ways to be successful all over the world
How to be successful? Is a sympathetic image enough to be effective?

There are many companies which have a long history. Mostly all of them had to fight with ups and downs. Some of them were able to struggle through the hard times. But actually there are companies what had proved that it’s possible to achieve year for year a constantly or plus earning.


Die Soziale Frage zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

Lebenslagen im Sozialstaat
Wurde die soziale Frage durch Sicherstellung eines von Hunger und Kälte geschützten Lebens durch den Sozialstaat gelöst?
Der Autor Wolfgang Voges ist anderer Meinung.


We Feed the World

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Summary Movie: We Feed the World, Erwin Wagenhofer / Dokumentation
Austrian filmmaker Erwin Wagenhofer takes us back to the origins of the foods we eat. How Vienna, the capital from Austria throws away no more than two days old bread, that’s still good enough for anybody to eat. People can’t believe what they are doing because yearly there are dying over 5 million children from hunger and people are starving all over the world.


Fleisch bringt's.

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Fleisch bringt’s.

Fleisch verleiht laut AMA Superkräfte.

Fleisch bringt’s. So lautet der Slogan einiger Werbeschaltungen der Fleischindustrie im Österreichischen Fernsehen. Die Marketingstrategie von AMA, dem Agrarmarkt Austria ist simpel und witzig gestaltet. Dem Zuseher und potenziellen Konsument wir suggeriert, dass er mit Fleisch leistungsfähiger und stärker ist. Gleichzeitig wird ihm vorgegaukelt, Fleisch sei gesund.



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